I am always willing to help other authors, make improvements to my site, take constructove critisim of my books and writing and am open to any suggestions.
If you would like to become and advanced Reader/ Beta reader in other words read the final draft before publication for free, please send a request (contact details below).
If you would just like to contact me to chat about any aspect of my books – good or bad – both welcome.
If you would like to collaborate with me to promote our books to get reviews, spread the word and post reviews after reading each others books – please contact me.
I believe collaboration with other authors is the best way to move your author brand forward – far too many so called ‘gurus’ out there, eager to empty your bank with little or no return!
I hate spending on advertising so a free collaborative approach is good!
I will consider relevant advertisements on my site. I have had requests for ad placements for perfume and hot tubs which are absolutely nothing to do with the content of this site.
If you have an advert you would like to place on the site, and it is approved, I sometimes charge for my time to review/consider/prep the article for correct SEO/upload. Each advert request will be taken on a case by case basis.
Guest posts
I will always consider relevant guest posts on this site. If you have guest post proposal please outline what you have in mind in your email (see contacts below). As a guide I would be looking for the following criteria:
- Relevent content
- Minimum 2000 words
- Correct keyword placement in the text (if you are not familiar with SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) I willl explain when we discuss your proposed guest post
- Images must be copyright free and I would need some written declaration or other evidence to support it.
- Any external link requested to go into the article will be vetted
I don’t usually charge for adding guest posts as they add value to my site (and the proposers).
Please contact me at:
Email – r.m.nesbittauthor@gmail.com