Lightbulb Moment – Book Series Crafted Using an Existing Short Story.
While marching around the garden today I was considering which short story to publish as a lead magnet for the book / book series. Then I started thinking about how the character in the main book could be further developed to make at least a three-book series a possibility.
After marching past the silver birch tree for the twentieth time I started brainstorming.
What if I adapted the short story I had already written to introduce the main character in the trilogy?
What if I extended the short story to be the first book in the series and made the book I am working on the second or third in the series.
Consistent Character for a book series?
I then thought about both characters in the existing short story and the main book. It was quite apparent they could quite easily become the same person. At this point I nearly walked into the birch tree as I did another lap totally lost in thought!
I changed my writing schedule for the day and switched from the main book to re-reading the short story. Once read through (15,000 words) I considered the main character. The short story would be the lead-in and has the legs to become a full book-length.
Adapting for a Better Book Series
The main book I am working on could be adapted quite easily. And, when I really thought about it the quirks in the first book could be expanded to give the character in the second book a real boost.
When I looked at some of my other short stories there is one other that could be used as a lead magnet for the three-book series. It seems like a no brainer to me but I will really dig into this further and see exactly how much reporting is required to make it work. I am 95% certain that with some hard graft initially this will work with a much better outcome than I anticipated…That’s if I keep my eye on that tree!!!
Inside the story plotters mind [more…]